Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's Been A Looooonnnng Time

I've been super busy because my dreams are coming true! She's Got You Stoned is up and running. I started the online business a little over a month ago and so far so good. When you visit the site you will find all handmade jewelry that has a mixture of natural and glam. CHeck me out!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sex. Drugs. Miami.

Went on a quick trip to the beach with the girlies. Miami Beach, that is. Had a blast thanks to birthday cake in the sand, free drinks at the bar, bikinis by the pool and shaking my ass with some real Rick Ross fans. Cant wait to do it again.

The title of this post was inspired by a girlie name Dani Goods. She blogs at and shows love to everyone.

Am I Ready Yet?

One year is about to roll past and I have done absolutely nothing with my jewelry. Failed photo shoots, no webpage, no business cards… no business. But I think I’m ready. If only I could think of a name…

The Pink Elephant – Nope. Google it and see why.

The Stoned Elephant – Maybe. Googled it and it’s a bar in Texas.

Stoned Love – A song by the Supremes

Love Stones – Sounds like a description for a man’s testies.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Creativity comes from within. If not, you can always steal someone else’s design.

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”

Here’s my rendition of Jeffrey Campbell’s Tick. I saw these shoes almost a year ago while walking from Union Square to Times Square with DMB. Immediately I was in love. These shoes were unlike anything I’ve seen before. They were a mixture of Goth with the hardware of the metal thumbtacks but still stylish with the genuine leather wedge-bootie style and could be paired with any outfit to add some edge. And because they are so appealing JC was able to tack on a price of $200!

You know me so you know I wasn’t going to pay that. Being the google freak I am I seen that a couple people did a DIY version. My DIY Tick shoe is made with Dolce Vita rope wedge from Targé, 3 packs of silver thumbtacks from Staples, and crazy glue. Check ‘em out!

Can't wait to wear them out with some destroyed jeans and baggy white tee! I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Hair A.D.D.iction

I have some sort of A.D.D. when it comes to hair. I was just talking to my friends today about having done everything to my hair, with the exception of a Soul Glo Jheri Curl, which is definitely not on my To Do List. So, I was watching The Family Crews and saw this stylist named Kiyah Wright and instead of looking out the hair she was doing, I immediately fell in love with her hair. Being that I'm nearly bald, I'm now inspired by people who have similar hairstyles and she does, but better. Let's start by looking at her amazing color. I have abox of color in the house after seeing this I'm afraid to do it because it'll be no match. And with my luck I'll end up looking like Sean Cameron. Then look at the cut. Now I've had something similar in length when I was a on the creamy crack but never while natural. This would take a while to grow because I'd have to get my sides and back cut and leave the top on then cross my fingers for it to have a nice curl pattern. First step: Go "balls to the wall" and color. Stay Tuned

Sunday, March 27, 2011

History in the Making

So proud to be from Brooklyn

But this traffic is going to kill my nerves.


I know, I know. I’m so inconsistent. But what had happened was… See, when I think about blogging about me I end up on other people’s blogs and admire what they’re talking about. Here’s what I’ve been reading: This girl is a true fashionista. I started following her on YouTube where she makes vids about, of course, fashion. She shops at place I like and shows how she puts them together. Aldo, H&M, the fancy shops for regular girls. Most importantly, she like Nicki Minaj and she’s a Virgo, just like me! J. Jones aka Lola is actually my classmate from elementary school. Even when we had to wear our dull navy blue uniform I could see her style trying to escape. So naturally she talks about fashion but you can also read into her deeper thoughts though her poetry or rap or spoken word. I’m not sure what she classifies it as. You can also catch the cutest pictures of her son, Chase. Hot. Sexy. Men. I’m not talking about the regular image of a sexy man, muscles, baby oil, you know. I’m talking about well dressed, tailored, and fashionable. Imagine Tyson dressed like a scholar. Getting the picture? Oh yeah, she also puts of music videos of songs that I’ve loved that really don’t get any play on television. And this is not just because I’m always featured on here. Ok, maybe that has a little to do with it. But I genuinely like this girl. DMB is my travel buddy, my ride or die, and I’m headed to brunch with her today. As a matter of fact, I should be getting ready. Anyway, check her out as she talks about her natural hair journey. As I do love these blogs I’ve mention make your you don’t stray away! Love Ya Cee